In Kindergarten, we use our Fundation curriculum and Kitty Cat notebooks to learn how to write letters. We are learning about skyline letters and plane line letters. After we write the letter we say the letter, key word, and sound. These students are working on f –fun /f/ and n-nut /n/.
Highlands is Helping Erie Celebrate its 150th anniversary!
Our school is partnering with Erie’s Public Works Department by painting a city snowplow to help celebrate Erie’s 150th Anniversary. Highlands students and staff worked diligently to create a ‘unique to our school design’ which highlights the beauty of Erie. The design includes our town’s sprawling mountain views, blue skies, with each grade level (1st -5th) represented by a hot air balloon. Our incredible First through Fifth Grade students made the design one of a kind by using their thumbprint to paint in the hot air balloons while Kindergarten and Preschool added their special thumbprint touch to Erie’s skyline. We also made sure to include words from our Highlands Elementary Mission and Vision Statement. We are so excited to be a part of this celebration and would like to thank the Town of Erie for including us.

Important Upcoming Dates
- September 30th – Vison and Hearing Screening
- September 30th, October 2nd and October 8th – Conferences
- October 11th and 14th – No school
- October 24th – Picture Re-take day
Parents, please note:
School attendance is the foundation to a successful family partnership that ensures the ongoing academic growth and advancement of your student.
We strive for students to have no more than 10 excused absences each school year. A student will be considered “chronically absent” if they have missed 10% or more of the days enrolled during the public school year, whether the absences are excused or unexcused. To report an absence please email Kate Trifiletti or call the front office at 303-702-8040.
As a reminder if your child is late and arriving after 9:05, you must sign your student in the front office.
Don’t Forget to Sign Up for Fall Parent Teacher Conferences!
Thank you in advance for making your child’s conference a priority. Below is important information about signing up for the Highlands Elementary conferences in October:
- Conference Dates: Conferences at Highlands Elementary will be taking place on September 30th, October 2nd and 8th.
- Sign-Up Date: Registration for conferences will open on September 13th after 9 am.
- Meet The Teacher sign up link and Meet the Teacher directions.
- Primary Contact in Infinite Campus (IC): Highlands Elementary has chosen to use the primary contact one that families have set up in the Infinite Campus system to receive conference notifications. This is done to reduce duplicate conferences and encourage families to attend together whenever possible.
- Priority Contact Selection: If no specific priority contact was chosen in Infinite Campus, the notification may be sent to either spouse.
- Data Matching: Parents are required to enter information that matches what is recorded in the Infinite Campus system.
- Student Information: Parents will also need to provide their child’s first and last name along with the student ID. The student ID can be found in the IC Parent Portal. Most students know their ID as it is commonly used as their iPad password and lunch number.
- Kindergarten families with students in Mrs Horton’s and Mrs. Loos’ class will sign up for a conference with Mrs Horton but both teachers will attend your scheduled slot.

Lost and Found
Our first Lost and Found event of the year will take place during Fall Parent Teacher Conferences.
Additional Lost and Found pick up events will occur before Winter Break, followed by Winter Parent Teacher Conferences and finally during the Highlands Music Fest on May 6th. After each of these events items will be donated. Please be sure to stop by and pick up any missing items.
Hearing and Vision Screening

There will be a vision and hearing screening at Highlands on Monday September 30th. Your
child(ren) may be on the list to be screened. Please encourage them to wear their glasses to
school on Monday. If the screening indicates your student needs further evaluation, you will be notified by mail. Please consult our health clerk Christina Haid at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

The Exploratorium Needs Your Help
Mr. Welch is looking for clean, undamaged carboard donations for future building projects. Please drop off at the front office. Thank you!

Gifted and Talented Referrals
Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic and/or talent areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress. In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.
Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.
The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
JoLene Lewis
Highlands Elementary School
Link to the Referral form

Sign up for afterschool programs such as Chess Club, Magical Mixtures or Slime Time. Please be sure to select the program you are interested in. Limited availability and time sensitive!

PTO dates at a glance….
Sept 29th – Fun Run Donations Due
Oct 1st – Kona Ice Super Star Party @ Clayton Park
Oct 7th – Trunk or Treat Candy Collection Starts
Oct 15th – PTO meeting 7pm in the Library – Video call link: https://meet.google.com/txt-krum-cag
Oct 17th – Dine to Donate at Piripi
Oct 25th – Trunk or Treat 5pm in School Parking
Sept 29th – Fun Run Donations Due

Our PTO can earn money every time you shop! Link your King Soopers shopper card to Community Rewards and Earn Donations.
4 Easy Steps to Register:
- Step 1: Login to your King Soopers Account.
- Step 2: Go to “My Account” and on the left-hand side click on “Community Rewards”.
- Step 3: In the search box, type KE411 or Erie Highlands Elementary PTO.
- Step 4: Click “enroll”.
Each quarter King Soopers will donate a percent of what we spend to our PTO. All you need to do is shop at King Soopers, use your Shopper Card or Alternate ID, and link your card to Community Rewards.
It does not cost anything to enroll. It is Free Money and will support our PTO events and programs.
Sign up here: https://www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards
Help us capture school year memories by uploading photos to Entourage.
Erie High School is hosting a College Funding Workshop – Reserve Your Seat

St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Annual Musical Instrument Drive

Donate gently used musical instruments to support St. Vrain Valley Schools’ music program during our annual collection drive. Drop off your contributions at the Lincoln School building at 619 Bowen St. in Longmont on Thursday, Oct. 3 (12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or Friday, Oct. 4 (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) and receive a donation receipt. Your generosity enriches our classrooms, provides instruments for students, and enhances our district’s music programming.