Ms. Volpi’s class is working on developing a strong growth mindset! Students are training their brain to tackle obstacles they may face with a can-do attitude! We came up with strategies we can utilize when we are being challenged in our learning such as mindfulness practices and positive phrases.
- September 16th – School Wide Pajama Day
- September 26th – Fun Run
- September 30th – Vison and Hearing Screening
- September 30th, October 2nd and October 8th – Conferences
Parents, please note:
We will begin our student device warning system next week. Please read and go over the policy with your students so they are aware. We thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Student Device Policy
To maintain a focused and secure learning environment, students are required to turn off personal phones during the school hours. These devices should be stored securely in a designated area, such as their backpacks. Watches may remain on their wrists while on silent and can not be used for communication during the school day. If students choose not to follow these guidelines, the following warning system will be implemented:
Warning system
- First: A verbal warning will be given directly to the students
- Second: A phone call will be made to the student’s parents/guardians
- Third: The student’s device will need to stay in their backpack during the school day.
If a student needs to contact their parents, they may go to the office to make the call. Our school has a health clerk on staff to assist with any issues related to health, whether a student is feeling unwell or injured. Parents are always welcome to contact the school office to relay urgent information.
These procedures are in place to ensure the safety and security of our school and minimize classroom interruptions.
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you in advance for making your child’s conference a priority. Below is important information about signing up for the Highlands Elementary conferences in October:
- Conference Dates: Conferences at Highlands Elementary will be taking place on September 30th, October 2nd and 8th.
- Sign-Up Date: Registration for conferences will open on September 13th after 9 am.
- Meet The Teacher sign up link and Meet the Teacher directions.
- Primary Contact in Infinite Campus (IC): Highlands Elementary has chosen to use the primary contact one that families have set up in the Infinite Campus system to receive conference notifications. This is done to reduce duplicate conferences and encourage families to attend together whenever possible.
- Priority Contact Selection: If no specific priority contact was chosen in Infinite Campus, the notification may be sent to either spouse.
- Data Matching: Parents are required to enter information that matches what is recorded in the Infinite Campus system.
- Student Information: Parents will also need to provide their child’s first and last name along with the student ID. The student ID can be found in the IC Parent Portal. Most students know their ID as it is commonly used as their iPad password and lunch number.
- Kindergarten families with students in Mrs Horton’s and Mrs. Loos’ class will sign up for a conference with Mrs Horton but both teachers will attend your scheduled slot.

iPad Insurance
The deadline to purchase iPad insurance for the 2024-2025 school year is Sunday, September 15th. Insurance can still be purchased after the enrollment period closes, however please be aware that your student’s iPad will be subject to an inspection prior to purchase.
Read more about the LTP Student iPad Insurance Program
Code of Conduct Reminder!
Thank you for your partnership and supporting the academic growth, safety, and well-being of our students. Every year, St. Vrain Valley Schools prints an up-to-date version of the Code of Conduct for students and families to review. This important document guides students and school staff on what expectations for school conduct and the consequences for behaviors that fall outside of those expectations. It is important that families review this information every year and acknowledge their receipt and understanding of this document.
To this end, please click here to access an electronic version of the Code of Conduct for the current school year. After you have reviewed this information, all families must sign an electronic acknowledgement that they have received, read, and understand the information contained, including the Annual Notification to Parents/Guardians; Behavioral Code of Conduct; Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Parents; and Board of Education Policies book. To sign your electronic acknowledgement, please follow the steps described here.
Again, thank you for your continued partnership and support.

Pajama Day at Highlands
Our students did a wonderful job filling the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) jar with tickets and earned Pajama Day!!!
Students may wear their favorite pajamas to school on Monday, September 16th (no blankets or stuffies please). All PJs must be school appropriate.
Great job Hawks!

The Exploratorium Needs Your Help
Mr. Welch is looking for clean, undamaged carboard donations for future building projects. Please drop off at the front office. Thank you!
Dear parents,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student’s school ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!

Gifted and Talented Referrals
Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic and/or talent areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress. In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.
Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.
The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
JoLene Lewis
Highlands Elementary School
Link to the Referral form

PTO dates at a glance….
Sept 16th – Cheseok (Korean Festival)
Sept 17th – Dine to Donate – Chick-Fil-A
Sept 23rd – Spirit Week Begins
Sept 23rd – International Day of Sign Languages
Sept 26th – Fun Run (Volunteers needed)
Oct 15th – October PTO Meeting
.Sept 26th – Fun Run
If you aren’t registered yet please sign up your students today.
https://www.getmovinfundhub.com/register…Sign up today to volunteer: http://evite.me/ufryjE6sEY
Sept 23rd – Stock the Teacher’s Lounge
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4CAFA82BA4FBC25-50809261-stockOct 15th – October PTO Meeting Video call link: https://meet.google.com/txt-krum-cag
Our PTO can earn money every time you shop! Link your King Soopers shopper card to Community Rewards and Earn Donations.
4 Easy Steps to Register:
- Step 1: Login to your King Soopers Account.
- Step 2: Go to “My Account” and on the left-hand side click on “Community Rewards”.
- Step 3: In the search box, type KE411 or Erie Highlands Elementary PTO.
- Step 4: Click “enroll”.
Each quarter King Soopers will donate a percent of what we spend to our PTO. All you need to do is shop at King Soopers, use your Shopper Card or Alternate ID, and link your card to Community Rewards.
It does not cost anything to enroll. It is Free Money and will support our PTO events and programs.
Sign up here: https://www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards
Help us capture school year memories by uploading photos to Entourage.