Welcome families! We are off to a great start and want to thank everyone who attended back to school night.
Please read the following important information as we have made some changes to our personal device policy, tweaked the parking and drop off areas, and discuss how we can achieve a smoother school dismissal process. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Student Device Policy Update
To maintain a focused and secure learning environment, students are required to turn off personal phones during the school hours. These devices should be stored securely in a designated area, such as their backpacks. Watches may remain on their wrists while on silent and can not be used for communication during the school day. If students choose not to follow these guidelines, the following warning system will be implemented:
Warning System:
- First: A verbal warning will be given directly to the students
- Second: A phone call will be made to the student’s parents/guardians
- Third: The student’s device will need to stay in their backpack during the school day.
If a student needs to contact their parents, they may go to the office to make the call. Our school has a health clerk on staff to assist with any issues related to health, whether a student is feeling unwell or injured. Parents are always welcome to contact the school office.
These procedures are in place to ensure the safety and security of our school community in a timely manner.
Smooth Dismissal: Parent Responsibility for Consistent Pick-Up
Parent responsibility is key to maintaining pick-up consistency. When students know where to go, who will pick them up, and what the backup plan is, they are better prepared for any situation. Sticking to a consistent established plan is crucial to minimizing confusion and stress.
To ensure a smooth and stress-free dismissal process, we kindly request that parents discuss end-of-day pick-up plans with their children daily. Students should know how they are getting home before coming to school. Clear communication helps students feel more confident and calm, especially if there are any delays.
We understand that true emergencies can arise. In such cases, please call the front office at (303) 702 – 8040 as early as possible if there is a change in the pick-up plan. We want to ensure that all emergency changes are communicated effectively and in a timely manner and appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Non-emergency changes should be kept to a minimum and communicated early in the day and no later than 3pm. We can not guarantee calls made after three will give the office enough time to communicate those changes with students and staff.
Drop off and Parking Safety Notices
Safety is our top priority when students are entering and exiting our school. We want to refresh everyone about our parking system and let you know of some small changes regarding start of day lineups.
Highlands Circle has three designated crosswalks. The west crosswalk is staffed with a crossing guard which may be the best choice for your family.
The south parking lot is staff parking and bus pick up/drop off area. Cars should not be using this area for drop off or pick up. Bus visibility is limited and best practice is for families to walk their students and follow the sidewalks to get on campus for safety purposes.
The east parking lot is the location of the hug and go lane, preschool entry, and special needs drop off. Please only park in designated areas and only use the hug and go lane for a quick drop off. The area in front of door #2 is not a hug and go lane. Children should walk to their assigned doors after being dropped off. In instances when students are not able to get to their assigned doors, students will line up out front to wait until the outside supervising adult can bring them in. Students may not enter early through door #1 due to staff not being in the rooms until after 9:05. Any child arriving after 9:05 will need to be brought in by the adult guardian and signed in for proper attendance recording.
The west area playground/field has adult supervision beginning at 8:50. Students are not to play on the equipment (even with parent supervision) before school begins.
To start the day, students should line up at the following doors. Supervision begins at 8:50
Door #2 Second Grade line up (1 staff member)
Door #6 Bus area – Kinders line up (3 staff members)
Door #7 West side – 1st graders & 5th graders (1 – 2 staff members)
Door #10 & #11 – 3rd & 4th graders – (2 staff members)
Door #3 & 5 – PreK students (2 or more staff)
Our campus supervisor will be walking around the building around 9:06 to gather any late arrivals into the building.
Students in need of breakfast should arrive at 8:45. Students will line up out front near the flagpole. Students should not come early. There will be no staff to supervise students until 8:45.
School attendance is the foundation to a successful family partnership that ensures the ongoing academic growth and advancement of your student. We strive for students to have no more than 10 excused absences each school year. A student will be considered “chronically absent” if they have missed 10% or more of the days enrolled during the public school year, whether the absences are excused or unexcused. To report an absence please email Kate Trifiletti or call the front office at 303-702-8040.

I am so excited to be back for another year of music making! I wanted to send out information about our 3rd Annual Musical and our Highlands Choir. Please reach out to Mrs. O if you have any questions at [email protected].
MUSICAL- We are thrilled to announce that our musical this year is Aristocats KIDS! The musical is open to students in 3rd-5th grade. All of the info needed as well as the audition application is included in the packet. Please note, applications are due by Friday 8/23.
CHOIR-All 4th and 5th graders are invited to join the Highlands Elementary Choir. This is a non-auditioned choir and ALL are encouraged to join! Rehearsals will be before school on Thursday mornings from 8:00-8:50. More info is included in the sign up sheet…forms are due by Wednesday 9/4.

Upcoming Important Dates
Aug 19th – Deadline for Room Parent Sign Up and Lottery
Aug 22nd – Dine to Donate – Mod Pizza
Sept 9th – PTO General Meeting
Sept 26th – Fun Run
In the Know
Spirit Wear Sale
Yearbook Photo Upload.
PTO dates at a glance….
Aug 19th – Deadline for Room Parent Sign Up and Lottery
We will be picking Room Parents through a random lottery of the names submitted on this form. This form will be open until Monday, Aug 19th. We’ll let you know if you’ve been selected by Tuesday, August 20th.
If your name is not selected, we have tons of other volunteer opportunities throughout the year! View Sign up form here!
Aug 22nd – Dine to Donate – Mod Pizza
Sept 9th – PTO General Meeting
Sept 26th – Fun Run
Fun Run program kick off is Sept 4th. Your child will come home from school with an information Package on Sept 6th.
Spirit Way Sale
Help us capture school year memories by uploading photos to Entourage.