First graders enjoyed a special visit from local horticulturalists from the Town of Erie Forester & Tree Board. Students planted catalpa seeds while learning about the plant life cycle. After reading “Arbor Day Square” & “How a Seed Grows” students had fun creating their informational text on the Book Creator app. Ms. Esinhart’s class was eager to use keyboards to type descriptions about the different parts of plants, how those parts are important for plant survival and to explain the plant life cycle. They had fun reading their completed plant books with friends & taking their sprouts home to share with family.
Principal News
Highland Families,
As we gear up for the final stretch of this school year, I am happy to share some important updates with you. It’s amazing to think we have just six weeks of school left! We are determined to finish strong and make the most of every moment for our students.
As we approach the end of the academic year, we have a number of exciting events and activities packed into a short amount of time, so continue to follow our newsletter, teacher updates, and PTO Facebook page. From field trips, talent shows, field days, our 5th grade trip to Cal-Wood, music fest, choir concerts, special assemblies, there will be plenty of opportunities for our students to learn, grow, and have fun together.
I am delighted to announce the addition of 4 new staff members to our Highlands family. Each of these individuals brings a wealth of experience, passion, and dedication to their roles, and we are confident that they will contribute greatly to our school community.
*Madison Hobson – Pre-K teacher replacing Shoshana Kraus who will be teaching overseas for the next few years. Maddy is currently a para in our pre-k classroom.
*Molly McCaffrey – New 1st Grade teacher due to growth. Molly is currently a 1st grade teacher at Legacy and we’re excited to have her join our Highlands staff.
*Sarahbeth Smith – New 5th grade teacher due to growth. Former special education, kg, and 5th grade teacher in Grand Lake.
*TBD – Hiring a new 4th grade teacher and can update that candidate soon.
*Michael Vandesandt – New Specialized Program Para in our SSN classroom.
We continue to draw fantastic teachers to our school and I’m excited for everyone to meet them next school year. Thank you for your continued partnership and support as we work together to finish this school year on a high note.
We are also in need of the following items for our next all school Design Challenge.
- Cardboard: From old boxes or packaging materials, it can be used to create the structural components of the container.
- Plastic Bottles: Empty and clean plastic bottles can be cut, reshaped, or used as structural elements.
- Newspaper: Can be crumpled and used for cushioning or as padding inside the container.
- Egg Cartons: Cut into sections, these can be used for creating compartments or providing additional cushioning.
- Paper Towel Rolls: Can be used as structural elements or as a buffer material inside the container.
- Bubble Wrap: For providing extra cushioning and protection to the egg.
- String or Twine: For tying components together securely.
- Rubber Bands: Can be used to create tension or as shock absorbers.
- Aluminum Foil: For creating a lightweight and reflective surface or for wrapping delicate areas.
- Plastic Bags: Can be used for padding or as a parachute design for a slower descent.
- Milk Jugs: Cut and reshaped to create durable structural components.
- Cotton Balls: For soft cushioning inside the container.
- Popsicle Sticks: Used for creating structural elements or as part of a framework.
- Old Fabric or Clothing: Cut into strips or pieces to provide additional cushioning.
- Shoeboxes: Repurposed as the main structure for the container.
- Plastic Easter Eggs (for practice): Plastic eggs can be used for trial runs before attempting the final drop with the raw egg.
Ryan Ball, Principal
[email protected]
Upcoming Events
April 11th-25th – CMAS testing and make up testing window
April 26th – No School
April 24th – 4th-5th Grade Choir sings at the Rockies Game 6:40
April 25th – Dine to Donate-Mod Pizza
May 1st – Late Start – school begins at 11:30 (pre-k normal schedule)
May 2nd – 4th and 5th Grade Spring Choir Concert 6:40
May 7th – Highlands Music Fest K-5 @ 5:30 west field
May 13th – PTO Meeting 7:00pm Highlands Library
May 17th – Volunteer Breakfast time TBD
May 20th – All School Field Day
May 23rd – Last Day of School-End of Year Picnic
Dear Highlands Parents,
REMINDER – As we approach the state’s upcoming testing window for grades 3 through 5, we want to remind you of some important considerations to ensure your child’s success.
Please ensure that your child gets plenty of rest the night before each testing day and has a nutritious breakfast in the morning. A good night’s sleep and a healthy meal can significantly impact their concentration and performance during the test.
We kindly request that any non-urgent appointments be scheduled outside of the testing window. If there are unavoidable appointments during this time, we encourage you to try to schedule them in a way that minimally disrupts your child’s testing schedule. If a student must leave before their testing begins, we strongly recommend bringing them back to complete the test prior to the day’s end. This ensures that they can stay on track with their peers and perform to the best of their abilities.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping our students succeed during this important testing period. Below is the testing schedule. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Ryan Ball, Principal Highlands Elementary
- Testing Window: April 9th-19th. Refer to this link for testing dates and times.
- All iPads must be updated to the latest operating system, iPad iOS 17.3 or later. *Instructions for updating your iPad can be found at this link. We recommend you perform this while the device is charging overnight.

Our Talent Show is on Friday, April 12th. Performers arrive at 6:00 and the show starts at 6:30. There are no tickets and seating is open. There will be concessions sales before the show and during intermission.
Our amazing 4th and 5th grade choir has been invited again to sing the National Anthem on the field at the Rockies game on Wednesday April 24th. We’d love to have a large crowd there to cheer on our choir! See the flyer below for more info on how to buy tickets!
Highlands Elementary National Anthem Flyer.pdf
Our 3rd annual Highlands Music Fest is coming up on Tuesday May 7th. All Highlands students in kindergarten through 5th grade will be performing in this event. Please read the flyer below for all of the information on this fun event!

On April 25, 2024, join us at MOD Pizza located at 16818 Sheridan Pkwy, Suite 124, Broomfield, CO 80023 for a Dine to Donate Fundraising event.
You can participate in two ways:
- In-Person: Simply bring in the flyer to MOD Pizza. (You can screenshot a copy of the flyer shown here).
- Online: Order through the MOD app or website using the provided coupon code: MODGIVES25.
MOD Pizza will generously donate 25% of your bill to support the Highlands Elementary PTO! Let’s come together and make a difference for Highlands Elementary!

Community Schools K-5 Registration for 2024-2025 Opens Next Week
Community Schools offers dynamic extended learning day opportunities for children in grades K-5. Students are provided with a nurturing environment before- and after-school that fosters academic achievement, community, social-emotional growth, and creativity. Availability is limited and interested families are encouraged to register early and select their anticipated days of care immediately.
Learn More About the Registration Process
Korri Anderson
Community Schools Program Manager
Highlands Elementary
Tel: 303-702-8040 ext. 21417
Fax: 303-702-8050

Our Highlands Elementary Yearbooks are on sale NOW!
- You can purchase yearbooks here for $25 per book from now until April 20th: https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/…/YearbookStoreMain…
- You can purchase 5th Grade and Kindergarten Dedication Pages here from now until April 19th: https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/welcome.asp?action=%2Fads%2Fpick%5Fad%2Easp?yearbook_id=57464&guid=AD00E8CA-9D45-4CFF-ACB6-00DEE456329F
The deadline to submit and purchase dedications is April 19th. The deadline to order yearbooks is April 20th. We will NOT order extra books so please make sure to order yours online by April 20th!
Dedications Specifications:
- 5th Grade dedications (Personal Ads): Please choose either a 1/2 page personal ad (8.5″x5.5″) for $40 or 1/4 page personal ad (4.25″x5.5″) for $20.
- Kindergarten dedication (Personal Ads): Please only choose 1/4 page personal ad (8.5″x5.5″) for $20. We will not accept 1/2 page ads for kindergarteners.
Upload photos to our yearbook by downloading the Entourage App, Login or Create an Account, and Find “Highlands Elementary PTO 2024” or use school code 57464.

St. Vrain’s Unframed Art Show live at the Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall from April 16-21
Please join us at the Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall from April 16-21 for the public viewing of artworks from all grade levels and schools across the St. Vrain Valley. Different mediums will be featured including ceramics, digital art/photography, drawing, jewelry making, metalwork, mixed media, painting, and printmaking.
Learn More and See Where the Winning Artworks will Publish
Super STEM: Looking for interesting camps for your child? Check out Super STEM and Innovation Academy for offerings for your elementary/middle school-aged child. Check us out at innovation.svvsd.org or click on the link: Innovation Center Summer Opportunities K-12