What is going on in art? Dragons, dragonflies and snails, oh my!
Dragons 3rd, 4th and 5th grade
Dragonflies kinder and 1st
Snails 2nd grade

Upcoming Events
March 11th – PTO meeting @ 7:00 pm
March 18th-22nd – Spring Break
Please take the time to read the below information regarding immunizations from the Colorado Department of Health. These letters contain statistics on immunizations at Highlands and offers CDH resources, requirements and guidelines for parents.
Highlands English 2024-25 Parent Letter
Highlands English 2024-25 Child Care
Highlands Spanish 2024-25 Parent Letter
Highlands Spanish 2024-25 Child Care

STEM Night and Student Design Guild
The STEM Night and Student Design Guild at the Innovation Center focuses on activities for preschool and elementary school-aged children and is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, 2024 from 4 pm to 7 pm. STEM Night will highlight different STEM activities for students, including learning what it’s like to participate in our many divisions: Aeronautics, Bioscience, Computer Science / Cybersecurity, Design and Virtual Reality, Entrepreneurship, Robotics, and Studio/Video Productions.
The Student Design Guild, hosted with the STEM Night events listed above, provides students with an opportunity to identify relevant problems and showcase their solutions to an authentic audience. Students can use the Design Thinking Process, the Scientific Method, the Engineering Process, or any other problem solving process to become deep thinkers about the world around them.
Summer Opportunities at the IC
Over the summer we will have opportunities at the IC for students who have completed Kindergarten through high school. Most camps are one week in duration, but there is one two-week program, Innovation Academy, available to students currently in kindergarten, first or second grade who will be rising 1st, 2nd, & 3rd graders this summer. In addition, we have several other “Super STEM” camps for K-5 students. Please include in your upcoming parent and staff communications / newsletters the link to our website for summer programming. Registration for all summer camps will open March 1.
Innovation Center Summer Opportunities K-12
Student Design Guild: The Student Design Guild seeks to create experiential learning opportunities that transcend the traditional classroom and engage the entire community in STEM and design work. In this Student Design Guild, teachers can support their students on a design journey, either in the classroom, or by providing information to parents for students to work independently at home. See the attached flier for details. Teachers can have their entire class participate, or even just a small group. Students can participate independently at home, or invite a friend to work on your project with you! Please contact Kristen Brohm, Director of STEM Education at the Innovation Center, for more information. Anyone can enter!
Student Design Guild Informational Flier
Student Design Guild Rubric for Students
Super STEM: Looking for interesting camps for your child? Check out Super STEM and Innovation Academy for offerings for your elementary/middle school-aged child. Check us out at innovation.svvsd.org or click on the link: Innovation Center Summer Opportunities K-12
Kristen Brohm
Director of STEM Education
The Innovation Center @ St. Vrain Valley Schools

Come join the Highlands community and support our 4th/5th grade choir as they perform the National Anthem on the field on April 24th vs. the San Diego Padres! We have reserved 300 tickets in the right mezzanine so that we can all sit together and enjoy the game! Game time is 6:40; the National Anthem will be performed at approximately 6:15. Info on purchasing tickets can be found in the document below. Questions? Email Mrs. O at [email protected]
Here is the link for ticket purchasing…https://www.mlb.com/rockies/tickets/specials/national-anthem#april

Sign up, request more information, learn about the board positions and/or nominate someone by completing this quick survey: HERE
Our Highlands Elementary Yearbooks are on sale NOW!
- You can purchase yearbooks here for $25 per book from now until April 20th: https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/…/YearbookStoreMain…
- You can purchase 5th Grade and Kindergarten Dedication Pages here from now until April 19th: https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/welcome.asp?action=%2Fads%2Fpick%5Fad%2Easp?yearbook_id=57464&guid=AD00E8CA-9D45-4CFF-ACB6-00DEE456329F
The deadline to submit and purchase dedications is April 19th. The deadline to order yearbooks is April 20th. We will NOT order extra books so please make sure to order yours online by April 20th!
Dedications Specifications:
- 5th Grade dedications (Personal Ads): Please choose either a 1/2 page personal ad (8.5″x5.5″) for $40 or 1/4 page personal ad (4.25″x5.5″) for $20.
- Kindergarten dedication (Personal Ads): Please only choose 1/4 page personal ad (8.5″x5.5″) for $20. We will not accept 1/2 page ads for kindergarteners.
Upload photos to our yearbook by downloading the Entourage App, Login or Create an Account, and Find “Highlands Elementary PTO 2024” or use school code 57464.
The Yearbook cover contest is still running, as well. If your student would like to design a Yearbook cover, please have them give their drawing to their classroom teacher no later than February 2nd. The cover contest winner will receive a free yearbook

Reminder: Upcoming Parent University Session March 11
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children.
Join us for our upcoming sessions:
- March 11: The Student Perspective: The Power of Self-Advocacy (presented by Yes! Ambassadors) – Westview Middle School
Learn more about St. Vrain’s Parent University and register for upcoming events