Kindergarten Scientists at Work!
Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Loos’ kindergarten class has been exploring the differences between living and nonliving things! Through a fun and interactive picture-sort activity, students practiced identifying characteristics of living things—like moving, growing, and needing food and water. It’s been exciting to see our young learners develop their science skills in such a hands-on way!
Important Upcoming Dates
- March 10th – PTO meeting @ 7:00 pm Highlands Library
- March 17th – 21st – Spring Break
- March 25th – Class pictures
- April 2nd – Late start -school starts at 11:30 (prek regular schedule)
- April 4th – Talent Show 6:30 @ Erie High School
- April 8th – 18th – CMAS testing for 3rd, 4th & 5th graders
Dear Parents/Guardians,
REMINDER – As we approach the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) state testing period for grades three through five, we want to share some important information to help ensure a smooth testing experience for all students.
Testing Window: April 8 – April 18
To provide the best testing environment for your child, we kindly ask that you make every effort to schedule any appointments outside of this testing window. Students tend to perform better when they test with their peers in a familiar setting, minimizing the need for makeup testing. Attendance and punctuality during these days are crucial to supporting your child’s success.
Please ensure that your child gets plenty of rest, eats a healthy breakfast, and arrives on time each day. Your support in creating a positive testing experience is greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us 303-702-8040
Thank you for your cooperation and partnership in your child’s education!

Attention all incoming kindergarten families!
Please join us for our Parent Kindergarten Information Night on Tuesday, March 25th at 4:45pm at Highlands Elementary.
This will be a parents/guardians only event to meet our kindergarten teachers, tour the school, and answer some questions you may have. We will be discussing curriculum, what a day in the life looks like for a kindergartener, ways to prepare your student for the upcoming school year, and other office information such as Infinite Campus, RevTrak, etc.
This event will start promptly at 4:45 pm, so please plan to arrive a few minutes early. The main entrance doors on the east side will be unlocked for you at 4:35 pm.
Music News

Dear Highlands Families!
Happy Spring to you all! I wanted to take a minute to send you a few updates from the Music Room so you know what is going on for the remainder of the school year!
TALENT SHOW! I am thrilled to announce that our Talent Show is scheduled for Friday, April 4th at 6:30 at Erie High School. Families are welcome to attend this event even if they do not have a child in the show.
ROCKIES GAME! Our 4th and 5th grade choir will be performing the National Anthem on the field at a Rockies game this Spring. Our date is Tuesday, April 29th at 6:40 vs. Atlanta. We would love to have a large crowd there to support our amazing Highlands choir! I have reserved a large number of tickets in the same section so that we can all sit together. Here is the link to purchase tickets. (Scroll down to find Highlands)
4th/5th GRADE CHOIR CONCERT! The spring performance for the 4th/5th grade choir is Thursday, May 1st at 6:30 at Highlands.
4th ANNUAL HIGHLANDS MUSIC FEST! We are continuing our tradition of an all-school outdoor concert again this year. All children in grades K-5 will be performing in the show. The show is scheduled for Tuesday, May 6th at 5:30…we have a rain date of Monday, May 12th. More info will be sent home after Spring Break but please get this important date on your calendars.
Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. Looking forward to a wonderful season of performances.
Jenn Ordway

St. Vrain Valley Schools is proud to host the state robotics tournaments across three different weekends. This commitment to robotics is unbelievable and we appreciate Trail Ridge Middle School, Altona Middle School and Erie High School for being the host schools of the tournaments.
We are especially happy to recognize that both the student robotics leadership team and the student drone performance team are working together to create the best possible experience for everyone. The robotics leadership team has worked all season hosting tournaments across the district and now are able to share their expertise at the state tournaments. The drone performance team has created
custom drone animations specifically designed to celebrate the world of robotics. Their collaboration and dedication are truly commendable.
As we celebrate our district-wide robotics program, we want to extend a special invitation to all school communities to enjoy these spectacular drone shows
. It’s a truly unique and inspiring performance you won’t want to miss!
Please share the following dates and locations with your families:
- VEX IQ State Robotics – Friday, Feb. 28th at 6:20pm, Trail Ridge Middle
- V5 Middle State Robotics – Friday, March 7th at 7:30pm, Altona Middle
- V5 High State Robotics – Friday March 14th at 8:00pm, Erie High School
Registration Open for Elementary Project Launch
Academic proficiency is an important district goal for elementary students. Research shows that extended school year learning opportunities positively impact student success.
Project Launch Program Includes:
- Targeted literacy practice daily
- Content literacy in science and social studies
- Focused math study and exploration
- Transportation provided for those who qualify from predetermined bus stops
- Breakfast and lunch provided
- Exiting Kindergarten – 4th Grade Students
- Available at no cost to families
Date & Times
June 2 – June 26, 2025
8:30-3:30 PM
Attendance all 16 days is critical
We will close individual grade levels when full.
Space is limited! To register, please contact your school or teacher for a registration form, and return your completed form to either your child’s teacher, or the school office. There is no online registration format. You will be notified if your child is placed on a waitlist for this program.
Health Information:

Salud Family Health will be available for dental screenings/evaluations on March 24th for PK-5th at Highlands Elementary during the school day. This is a free service and every child can receive dental services regardless of dental insurance status. Please see the attached permission form for more information. All permission slips MUST be returned by March 14th. Contact our health clerk Christina Haid, if you have any questions. [email protected]

Drop off and Parking Safety
Safety is our top priority when students are entering and exiting our school. With this in mind we would like to remind all of our families about parking, drop off and pick up procedures at Highlands Elementary.
South Parking Lot
This is a staff parking and bus pick up/drop off area only. Cars should not be using this area for drop off or pick up. Families should walk students using the sidewalks as bus viability is limited.
East Parking Lot
This is the location of the hug and go lane, preschool entry and special needs drop off. Children should walk to their assigned doors after being dropped off. Any child arriving after 9:05 will need to be brought in by the adult guardian and signed in for proper attendance recording.
West area playground/field
Adult supervision begins at 8:50. Students are not to play on the equipment (even with parent supervision) before school begins.
To start the day, students should line up at the following doors. Supervision begins at 8:50
Our campus supervisor will be walking around the building around 9:06 to gather any late arrivals into the building.

Click above for PTO News and EVENTS

Deadline for Avs tickets is April 10th!

Erie High School is thrilled to host the Colorado VEX V5RC Robotics State Championships on March 14-15, and we need your help! This is a fantastic opportunity to support our students and the future of STEM.
We’re looking for volunteers to assist with various roles, including judging (training provided), field setup, registration, pit support, and more. Volunteers will receive complimentary meals and an event t-shirt.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please sign up at:
- Judging:
- Event Support:
Please indicate your preferred role(s) and availability in the above forms (Friday, Saturday, or both). No prior robotics experience is necessary. We are so grateful for the outstanding support of the Erie community!
Josh Griffin
Principal, Erie High School
Recent Updates
View our latest news and announcements
Parent University Session, February 20
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. All spring sessions are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually. Spanish translation services will be available. Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.Adolescent […]
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Innovation Center Hosts Second Annual Accessibility Night
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Registration for Community Schools Wraparound Pre-K and School Age Summer Camps Opens February 20
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St. Vrain Valley Schools to Host Early Access to Kindergarten and First Grade Informational Meeting January 14
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Superintendent’s Update: A Semester of Achievement
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St. Vrain Preschool Expands to Five-Day-A-Week Programs
Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, St. Vrain Valley Schools will offer five-day-a-week preschool programs. Families can explore a variety of high-quality preschool options tailored to meet families’ unique needs, including half-day morning and afternoon sessions, with full-day programs available at select locations. Registration for the upcoming school year begins on December 17. Visit […]
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A heartfelt thank you to our community
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Save the Date: Celebrate our Outstanding Students, Teachers, and Staff
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St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Preschool Literacy Night with Author Rosemary Wells, Oct. 15
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