Students Earn PBIS awards today!

And Attendance Awards!

Upcoming Events
April 3rd – Late Start – school begins at 11:30 (pre-k normal schedule)
April 8th – PTO Meeting 7:00pm Highlands Library
April 9th-25th – CMAS testing and make up testing window
April 26th – No School
April 24th – 4th-5th Grade Choir sings at the Rockies Game 6:40
May 1st – Late Start – school begins at 11:30 (pre-k normal schedule)
May 2nd – 4th and 5th Grade Spring Choir Concert 6:40
May 7th – Highlands Music Fest K-5 @ 5:30 west field
May 13th – PTO Meeting 7:00pm Highlands Library
May 17th – Volunteer Breakfast time TBD
May 20th – All School Field Day
May 23rd – Last Day of School-End of Year Picnic
Dear Highlands Parents,
REMINDER – As we approach the state’s upcoming testing window for grades 3 through 5, we want to remind you of some important considerations to ensure your child’s success.
Please ensure that your child gets plenty of rest the night before each testing day and has a nutritious breakfast in the morning. A good night’s sleep and a healthy meal can significantly impact their concentration and performance during the test.
We kindly request that any non-urgent appointments be scheduled outside of the testing window. If there are unavoidable appointments during this time, we encourage you to try to schedule them in a way that minimally disrupts your child’s testing schedule. If a student must leave before their testing begins, we strongly recommend bringing them back to complete the test prior to the day’s end. This ensures that they can stay on track with their peers and perform to the best of their abilities.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping our students succeed during this important testing period. Below is the testing schedule. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Ryan Ball, Principal Highlands Elementary
- Testing Window: April 9th-19th. Refer to this link for testing dates and times.
- All iPads must be updated to the latest operating system, iPad iOS 17.3 or later. *Instructions for updating your iPad can be found at this link. We recommend you perform this while the device is charging overnight.

Our Talent Show is on Friday, April 12th. Performers need to arrive at school at 5:30; the show starts at 6:00. There are no tickets and seating is open. There will be concessions sales before the show and during intermission.

Community Schools K-5 Registration for 2024-2025 Opens Next Week
Community Schools offers dynamic extended learning day opportunities for children in grades K-5. Students are provided with a nurturing environment before- and after-school that fosters academic achievement, community, social-emotional growth, and creativity. Availability is limited and interested families are encouraged to register early and select their anticipated days of care immediately.
Learn More About the Registration Process
Korri Anderson
Community Schools Program Manager
Highlands Elementary
Tel: 303-702-8040 ext. 21417
Fax: 303-702-8050

Our Highlands Elementary Yearbooks are on sale NOW!
- You can purchase yearbooks here for $25 per book from now until April 20th:…/YearbookStoreMain…
- You can purchase 5th Grade and Kindergarten Dedication Pages here from now until April 19th:
The deadline to submit and purchase dedications is April 19th. The deadline to order yearbooks is April 20th. We will NOT order extra books so please make sure to order yours online by April 20th!
Dedications Specifications:
- 5th Grade dedications (Personal Ads): Please choose either a 1/2 page personal ad (8.5″x5.5″) for $40 or 1/4 page personal ad (4.25″x5.5″) for $20.
- Kindergarten dedication (Personal Ads): Please only choose 1/4 page personal ad (8.5″x5.5″) for $20. We will not accept 1/2 page ads for kindergarteners.
Upload photos to our yearbook by downloading the Entourage App, Login or Create an Account, and Find “Highlands Elementary PTO 2024” or use school code 57464.
The Yearbook cover contest is still running, as well. If your student would like to design a Yearbook cover, please have them give their drawing to their classroom teacher no later than February 2nd. The cover contest winner will receive a free yearbook

Super STEM: Looking for interesting camps for your child? Check out Super STEM and Innovation Academy for offerings for your elementary/middle school-aged child. Check us out at or click on the link: Innovation Center Summer Opportunities K-12