Ms. Allen’s Kindergarten Class

Check out our student led newspaper:

Hawks News

Important Upcoming Dates

  • February 1st – Winter Dance
  • February 4th – Conference Night/Book Fair
  • February 5th – Late Start school begins at 11:30 (pre-k normal schedule)
  • February 6th – Conference Night/Book Fair
  • February 10th Conference Night/Book Fair
  • February 14th – 17th – No School

Please be sure to sign up for our upcoming parent teacher conferences.


 I am thrilled to announce that our Talent Show is scheduled for Friday, April 4th at 6:30 at Erie High School.  The Talent Show is open to students in grades K-5!  Students may only be in 1 act and the act needs to be no more than 3 minutes in length.  There are only going to be 30 acts allowed in the show; after the 30 slots are filled, I will create a waitlist. Please click the link below to access the Google sign up form.  Incomplete Google forms will not be accepted, so please have all of the information ready to fill in, including description of the act, title of music, names of other children in the act and email addresses of the parents of every child in the act. I anticipate that the 30 slots will fill quickly, so if your child would like to be in the show, please fill it out ASAP!

Click here to sign your child up for the Talent Show. 

  • February 4th from 4:00-6:30
  • February 6th from 4:00-6:30
  • February 10th from 4:00-6:30

Health News:

 We have had some questions about when students should stay home from school.  The most common reasons to keep your child home are below.

If they:

  • Have had a fever of 100.4 or higher in the last 24 hours 
  • Have vomited in the last 24 hours
  • Have had diarrhea in the last 24 hours
  • Cannot participate in normal activities due to illness

Also see the How sick is too Sick for more information when a child can return to school. If you have any questions, please reach out to our health clerk Christina Haid at [email protected]. Thank you for your partnership in keeping everyone healthy!  

If your student will be absent due to illness please send an email to our attendance clerk at [email protected].  If your student was seen by a doctor during their illness you may obtain a doctor’s note to further excuse the absence.


This month, HHH is planning an arts and crafts drive, which runs from January 17th to the 31st.

They will collect items like pipe cleaners, glue sticks, beads, fuzz balls, google eyes, construction paper and any other unused art and craft supplies for Children’s Hospital patients.

Student Device Policy Update

To maintain a focused and secure learning environment, students are required to turn off personal phones during the school hours.  These devices should be stored securely in a designated area, such as their backpacks. Watches may remain on their wrists while on silent and can not be used for communication during the school day. If students choose not to follow these guidelines, the following warning system will be implemented:

Warning System:

  1. First: A verbal warning will be given directly to the students
  2. Second: A phone call will be made to the student’s parents/guardians
  3. Third: The student’s device will need to stay in their backpack during the school day.

If a student needs to contact their parents, they may go to the office to make the call.  Our school has a health clerk on staff to assist with any issues related to health, whether a student is feeling unwell or injured. Parents are always welcome to contact the school office.

These procedures are in place to ensure the safety and security of our school community in a timely manner.

Erie’s Paint the Plow Voting is now open!

This fall, in celebration of Erie’s 150th anniversary, the town’s snow plows received a special makeover, thanks to the creativity of our talented Highlands students and staff. The design, crafted by the Highlands, features five vibrant hot air balloons, each representing one of our grades from Kindergarten through 5th. Students added their personal touch by painting their respective grade’s balloon with their fingerprints.

Our youngest Hawks, the preschoolers, also contributed to the masterpiece by painting the sky and clouds, adding a beautiful and whimsical touch to the design. The backdrop of this stunning creation highlights the picturesque Flatirons and fields, a view we are fortunate to enjoy daily. Additionally, Soaring Heights, Aspen Ridge, and Meadowlark schools also contributed designs.

Now it’s time to choose your favorite! Voting is open, and we invite you to join in the fun and show your support for our Highlands students, who brought this design to life.

Thank you for your participation!

Please make sure your students are dressed appropriately for the cold winter weather. For those who are new, and a reminder to our community, we have included our weather policy which is in our Highlands Parent Code of Conduc

“Recess is an integral part of the school day and all students will be expected to participate.  Students should wear clothing and shoes appropriate for outside play.  Students can be excused from recess with a doctor’s note.

 Children will go outside for recess unless there is excessive precipitation, lightning or if the temperature falls below 15 degrees (temperature + wind chill). “

2025 -2026 Preschool Registration

2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration

Hawk’s Nest News

Hi Highlands Families,

We have 2 programs beginning Monday January 27th that still have a few spots available. If you missed out on registering then it’s your lucky day 🙂 I am opening the registration until Saturday night at 10pm. 

Volleyball: Skyhawks Volleyball takes the energy and excitement of this great team sport and puts it all together into one fun-filled program. All aspects of the game are taught through drills and exercises that focus on passing, setting, and serving. This is a great warm up if you’re considering joining the Erie rec league which starts in April. Open to grades 2-5

Poms: The Dance Movement Poms class is designed to improve self-confidence, teamwork skills, and flexibility all while having a ton of fun! Learn and perfect arm movements, cheers, chants, and choreography that are full of excitement and energy. Open to grades K-5

Register and additional details available here. Feel free to email me with any questions.

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Join Us for Tunes, Tales & Tinkering!

February 3 | 5:15-6:45 P.M. | Innovation Center

Preschool-aged families who live in St. Vrain Valley are invited to a magical, musical evening featuring a special reading of Emilia Tries the Cello by local teacher, author, and cellist Dr. Katarina M. Pliego. Accompanied by members of the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, this enchanting story will come to life with a selection of short musical pieces ranging from classical to pop. During the experience, children will have the opportunity to play a variety of instruments and even create their own, blending STEM principles with musical creativity. Books will be given away while supplies last, and snacks and translation services will be available. 

The evening will conclude with a spectacular performance by St. Vrain’s Student Drone Performance Team.

Learn more about this exciting event.

Recent Updates

View our latest news and announcements

Parent University Session, February 20

St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. All spring sessions are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually. Spanish translation services will be available. Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.Adolescent […]

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Innovation Center Hosts Second Annual Accessibility Night

Empowering Students to Build a More Accessible Community St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) students are leading the charge for inclusivity and accessibility with the district’s second annual Accessibility Night, scheduled for February 21, 2025, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the Innovation Center (33 Quail Road, Longmont). The event is free and open to […]

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Registration for Community Schools Wraparound Pre-K and School Age Summer Camps Opens February 20

Community Schools will open registration for its 2025 summer camps on February 20. The camps provide high-quality and robust summer care for children ages 3–12, offering a range of activities designed to promote learning, play, and exploration in a safe and structured environment. Programs will run from June 2 through August 1, with locations across […]

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St. Vrain Valley Schools to Host Early Access to Kindergarten and First Grade Informational Meeting January 14

St. Vrain Valley School Schools offers access to early enrollment for highly advanced gifted children under the age of 6. A virtual parent meeting to provide information regarding the early access process and characteristics of young gifted children is scheduled for January 14 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Typically, children who qualify for early entrance […]

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Superintendent’s Update: A Semester of Achievement

As we approach our 2024 graduation celebration, I want to take a moment to recognize the unwavering drive, strength of character, and rigorous academic preparation that our approximately 2,200 graduates have demonstrated throughout their time in St. Vrain.

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St. Vrain Preschool Expands to Five-Day-A-Week Programs

Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, St. Vrain Valley Schools will offer five-day-a-week preschool programs. Families can explore a variety of high-quality preschool options tailored to meet families’ unique needs, including half-day morning and afternoon sessions, with full-day programs available at select locations. Registration for the upcoming school year begins on December 17. Visit […]

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A heartfelt thank you to our community

Dear St. Vrain Valley Community, Yesterday marked a historic moment for our schools and community as voters overwhelmingly approved Ballot Issue 5C, demonstrating once again the extraordinary commitment our community has to advancing public education and creating a stronger future for all students. This $739.8 million investment represents far more than building improvements and new […]

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Save the Date: Celebrate our Outstanding Students, Teachers, and Staff

You are invited to join us at one of our many upcoming events celebrating the talents, achievements, hard work, and accomplishments of our outstanding students, and the teachers and staff who support their continued success. In addition to many school-specific events, including athletic games, community nights, and school performances, there are many ways for our […]

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St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Preschool Literacy Night with Author Rosemary Wells, Oct. 15

Preschool families who live in St. Vrain Valley are invited to a special literacy night featuring renowned author Rosemary Wells. Event Details: Through a collaborative initiative between Rosemary Wells and St. Vrain’s Early Childhood Department to promote early reading, every preschool student in the district has received a copy of her book, “If You Believe […]

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Highlands Elementary School